We are all thinking of you and miss you, particularly on Friday mornings.
Some of us met on Zoom last week and caught up with each other’s news and we prayed that you will all know that you are loved and there are people who care.
Eleanor, Gwen, Jane, Jenny, Liz, Susie and Vikki
Today is Good Friday, the beginning of Easter weekend
This page explains why it is so important for us Christians and how it is different this year.
We thought that we would give you ideas for an Easter Egg Hunt today that all the family can get involved with. Thanks to Liz who supplied this idea.
The photo is from our first Easter Egg Hunt which took place in the church last year.
Easter Egg Hunt
You will need:
Card, paper and scissors
Decoration – paint, crayons, fabric, buttons, sticky spots or bits of coloured paper to glue on.
Cut out eight egg shapes from the card (folding the card in half makes it easier, just draw half the egg along the fold). Decorate the eggs on one side.
Cut the piece of paper into eight rectangles and draw (!) the location of the clues on each piece eg a table, toybox, pillow, cot, bed, toothbrush, teddy bear, television. Older children could help with this, or you could cut up an argos catalogue or print something off.
Keep hold of the first clue and then place the others round the house eg keep hold of the picture of a teddy, and on the actual toy teddy put a picture of a toothbrush covered by the decorated egg, on the toothbrush put the picture of the table etc etc. The last clue should lead to the hiding place for the Treasure eggs/sweets/ fruit/ sultanas. Those who are hunting shouldn’t watch you doing this!
Give the child the first clue and let them go! You can do this with very tiny children as long as you give lots of help. They just love the ” finding” part ! If they enjoy it you can use the decorated eggs again with different clues, or you can make it harder for older children by asking questions ‘Where do we eat breakfast’ or ‘I have four legs but I can’t run, what am I?’
Don’t forget our favourite songs
Hair and shoulders, knees and toes
knees and toes
Hair and shoulders, knees and toes
knees and toes
and thighs and calves and heels and toes
Hair and shoulders, knees and toes
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you’re happy and you know it
and you really want to show it
Clap your hands
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you’re happy and you know it
Nod your head,
Stamp your Feet
Shout we are
Do all four
Miss Polly had a dolly
Who was sick, sick, sick
So she called for the doctor
To come quick, quick, quick
The doctor came
with his bag and his hat
And he knocked on the door
With a rat-a-tat-tat.
He looked at the dolly
And he shook his head,
And he said “Miss Polly,
Put her straight to bed.”
He wrote on the paper
For a pill, pill, pill
“I’ll be back in the morning
Yes I will, will, will.”
Please do keep in touch with us,
on this page – we aim to update it each Friday morning until we can meet again.
on facebook
or we will give you a ring or text if you email your number or send it via messenger.
Some of us are have been isolating before it beecame popular so it would be lovely to speak to someone outside of the house.
You can see link to other weeks
27th March 2020
22nd March 2020
3rd April 2020
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