We meet on Friday mornings during Leicestershire term time from 9.45-11.15am
The cost is £2 per family and we particularly want to welcome people who are finding it hard to join a group or who are new to the area. We also love all our regulars of course!
We have a facebook group, and we put a post for each Friday morning, if you know you are coming please put your name in the comments as we want to keep the group to around 25 families. If the group gets bigger we may have to bring back the booking system or restrict the number of sessions people can join, but for now (Jan 24) there is usually room for people who decide to come along on the day.

Our session includes action songs and marching with musical instruments, a craft activity, drinks and plenty of space to play, happyland, blocks, brio railway, jigsaws, garage and kitchen areas plus a section for wheeled toys.
We hope that the group is a welcoming place, we love to meet new babies as well as older children. If you don’t know anyone, please tell one of the leaders (wearing an orange lanyard) and we will introduce you to some people. We’ve been wearing name badges so that we can get to know each other.

Toddlers’ Club has been running for 33 years and we have a regular pattern for the year preparing for Christmas with dressing up and a short time in church, a birthday party in January, an Easter Egg Hunt and a Teddy Bears’ Picnic to finish the year.
Families are very welcome to join us in church on Sunday mornings at 10.30am, with Junior Church and at our ‘On the Steps’ activities on Saturday mornings when families can join in with activities, stories and refreshments.

March 2020 – June 2021
Covid had a huge impact on Toddlers’ Club, we had a weekly online page with ideas for crafts and singing from 20th March 2020 and from October we produced Toddlers’ Activity Bags which were distributed on doorsteps to begin with. By Easter 21 we were able to meet to prepare an Easter Garden and pick up the bags, in May we met outside on the steps, June we made it back into the Hall.

Photos of the children using the activity bags during 2020/21

We celebrated our 30th Birthday in January 2021, we all had a cake mix to make and a candle and a balloon, we wished that we could be together.

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