Site icon Market Harborough Congregational Church

Concern Group

The Concern Group has been able to meet monthly again from the end of August 2021, to book a place please speak to Maureen or email us.

The Concern Group meets once a month on the last Friday to eat, pray and talk together. The meetings are in the lounge from 12.15-1.45pm and members bring their own packed lunch. Between meetings the members of the group do what they excel at, which is caring for each other, with regular calls between the members.

We still manage to find a topic to discuss each month and bring contributions sometimes newspaper articles, prayers or poems around the theme.  The topics are announced on the pewslip each month. Our topics have included

Anxiety, Aspirations, Expectations,

What do we get from going to church and what do we give back?

Keeping fit in retirement,

Losing things, and forgiveness

To name just a few.

You will be very welcome, let us know if you would like more information by emailing

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