NEXT EVENT Saturday 7th September – Seaside on the Steps
Families welcome with activities outside (Weather dependent) and coffee, cake, juice etc inside for everyone. Email us or message through facebook.
We realised that we wanted to stay in touch with families whose children have started school, so we decided to hold Saturday mornings, on the church steps with crafts, stories and refreshments.
It also gives us an opportunity to show the people of the town that we are an active church, with the doors open.
The pattern seems to be settling into
Mums on the Steps in March, (Saturday 9th March 2024)
Easter Garden, (Sunday 17th March)
Christian Aid weekend on the Steps, (11th May 2024)
Seaside on the Steps (Saturday 7th September 2024)
Harvest on the Steps,
It’s too cold to be on the Steps – indoors!
Christmas on the Steps to co-incide with the Town’s Christmas Fair.
We advertise the dates on the website and our facebook and instagram posts.

It has been lovely to keep in touch and spend time together, there are plenty of photographs on our gallery page
People who haven’t been involved with children’s work come along to help and we try to have activities for children up to about 11years, but we always have plenty for Toddlers.
We encourage older members of the church to come along for a coffee inside and to see what we have been doing.

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