Hymns from Mission Praise, you can listen to them on YouTube by clicking on the link.
1040 Come now is the time to worship
378 Jesus shall take the highest honour
242 Hosanna, hosanna
975 Before the throne of God above
862 I’ll go in the strength of the Lord or with a brass band

Hymn from Singing the Faith, click on the link to hear in YouTube.
Hymn StF 39 Angel voices
Hymn StF 706 Longing for light
Hymn StF 59 Shine Jesus shine

Sermon and the Grace

Hymns click on the link to watch the videos on YouTube
Come on and celebrate
I am a new creation
He’s got the whole world in His hand
May the Mind of Christ my Saviour
How broad, how long how high, how deep is the love of God

Now thank we all our God MP 486 chosen by Sheila
In Christ alone MP 1072 chosen by Barry
The Wise Man built his house chosen by Hilary
Father I place into your hands MP 113 chosen by Mel
Shine Jesus shine. MP 445 chosen by Jo
Will you come and follow me STF 673 chosen by Sharron
O Lord My God, when I in awesome wonder MP 506 chosen by Joyce
In Heavenly Love Abiding MP 331 chosen by Leslie & Margaret N
My song is love unknown MP 478 (chosen by Martyn)

Hymns from Mission Praise follow the underlined link to YouTube
All people that on earth do dwell.
An army of ordinary people
Father God I Wonder
Let there be love shared among us.
Oh love that will not let me go.
Song Mention of your name from the album Joy of my Heart by Marilyn Baker

Call to worship, prayers, introduction, Bible readings, Church news, Prayers for the World.

Sermon and the Grace

Hymns (Mission Praise)
315 I will sing the wondrous story
790 You are the King of  glory
254 I am a new creation
988 How deep the Father’s love for us
31 Amazing grace
73 Christ is made the sure foundation

Hymns from Mission Praise, follow the underlined links through to YouTube.
109  Crown him with many crowns
1040 Come now is the time to worship
254   I am a new creation
975  Before the throne of God above
887   Lord you have my heart
708   To God be the glory

All people that on earth do dwell William Kethe
Father God I wonder Ian Smale
My Jesus, My Saviour Darlene Zschech
I am a new creation Dave Bilbrough
How broad, how long John Hardwick

Sermon, Bible reading, communion

Crown him with many crowns
Come, people of the risen King  
Brother, sister, let me serve you
In Christ alone
King of Kings, Majesty, 
O Lord My God, when I in awesome wonder

Mission Praise 76 Christ the Lord is risen today
453 Low in the grave
295 I serve a risen Saviour
689 Thine be the glory

Sermon, Reporting back, The blessing

MP 242 Hosanna, Hosanna. Carl Tuttle © 1985 Shadow Spring Music / Adm, by Song Solutions Copy
MP 790 You are the King of  glory Mavis Ford © 1978 Authentic Media/Adm. by kingswaysongs.com
Hymn MP 9: All glory, laud and honour Theodulf, Bishop of Orléans
751-821 Translator: J. M. Neale

Hymn MP: 580 Ride on, ride on in majesty! Henry H. Milman 1822
Hymn MP 70: Children of Jerusalem John Henley
Hymn MP 478: My song is love unknown Samuel Crossman (1664)

STF 44 Come on and celebrate
STF 81 Now thank we all our God
KS 351 We are one, we are family
STF 426 Hark, my soul, it is the Lord
STF 345 And can it be?

Hymns Mission Praise
50 Be still David J Evans ©1986 Thankyou Music
673 There is a Redeemer Melody Green © 1982 Ears to Hear Music/Birdwing Music/BMG Songs/EMI/Christian Music Publishing/Copycare
14 All heaven declares Noel and Tricia Richards © 1987 Thankyou Music
445 Shine, Jesus, shine Graham Kendrick © 1987 Make Way