Thank you for joining us, these services are recorded on Sunday morning at the Congregational Church, if you are in Market Harborough, Leicestershire at 10.30am, you are very welcome to join us.
We hope to continue sharing the recordings online either on Sunday or occasionally on Monday.

We are grateful to the many people who are leading our worship each week now that Rev Stephen Haward has retired. If you would like to know more about any of the services please email us.

All of the hymns can be found on youtube.

Service from January – July 2024 are here
Previous services are available here

Hymn 307 I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart. 
Hymn MP 153 For the fruits of his creation
Hymn MP 486 Now thank we all our God
Hymn MP 199 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
Hymn  1008 The Lord’s my shepherd

Call to worship, prayer, introduction to the theme, Church news, Bible reading, prayers of intercession.

Praise my Soul the King of Heaven
Father God I wonder how I managed to exist.
God forgave my sin in Jesus name
How deep the Father’s love for me.

Come now is the time to worship
King of kings, majesty
Lord, I come to you
Before the throne of God above
Lord you have my heart
The Lord’s my shepherd

To listen to the hymns and songs click on the link which will take you through to YouTube.

Angel Voices ever singing
Put peace into each other’s hands (StF 712)
As the deer pants for the water
In Heavenly love abiding
Lord speak to me that I may speak

Call to worship, prayer, introduction, Bible reading, church news.

Sermon and prayers for the world and ourselves.

Hymn MP 151 For I’m building a people of power
Hymn 49 Be bold be strong.
Hymn 590 Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven.
Hymn 375 Jesus, name above all names
Song His mercy is more

Welcome, prayers, introduction, church news, Bible reading.

To listen to the hymns and songs click on the link which will take you through to YouTube.
God is working his purpose out
One more step
God who sets us on a journey
Beneath the cross of Jesus 
Lord, for the years

The service begins with the church notices and then follows the bible readings with creative activitities. Reflection and prayers.

The hymns are available on YouTube
Singing the Faith
 44 Come on and celebrate!
217 Silent night, holy night (1st & last verses )
206 It was on a starry night
210 Love came down at Christmas
196 Come and join the celebration

Introduction   & Welcome – Margaret 
Lighting of Advent Candles –  Fiona
Opening Prayer & Lord’s Prayer Rev Jan Turner                         
Carol                   In the Bleak Mid Winter 
Reading             Matthew 1: 18- 24   Mary
Carol                   It Came upon a Midnight Clear
‘Wise Conversations’ –   Rev Barry Osborne, Steve, Sharron
Carol                   O Little town of Bethlehem
Reading             Luke 2: 1-7 Joyce
Carol                   Away in a Manger
Song                    Jingle Bells  – Steve with Guitar
Reading             Luke 2: 8-14   Lesley
Carol                   Joy to the World
Reading             Luke 2: 15- 20   Mel
Carol                   O Come All ye Faithful
Closing Prayer & Blessing   Rev  Jacquie Gavin

Organist Martin Warsop
Items underlined in blue link to Youtube for the carols or to Bible Gateway for the Bible Readings.

Sermon part 1, Bible Reading, Sermon Part 2, Intercessions and The Lord’s Prayer, The Grace.c

To listen to the hymns and songs click on the link which will take you through to YouTube.
Hymns from Singing the Faith
175 Light of the world
Song Jesus is the light
178 Long ago, prophets knew
277 My song is love unknown
177 Lo, he comes with clouds descending.

Bible reading, sermon, communion.

Call to worship, Prayer, introduction, church news, Bible readings.

Sermon and prayers

Great is Thy Faithfulness
Amazing Grace
He who would vailiant be
Lord for the years
Love divine all loves excelling

Now thank we all our God
God of grace and God of glory
The Lord’s my shepherd
My Lighthouse

Call to worship, prayer, introduction, Church news.

Setting the scene in Pergamum, Bible reading, prayer, Bible reading, sermon, communion,

462  May the mind of Christ my Saviour
Song: Your word O Lord is my delight
459  Master speak
The price is paid
444  Lord speak to me that I may speak

MP 691 This is the Day
255 He’s got the whole world in His hands
590 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
806 Beauty for brokenness
59 Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine

Immortal Invisible
The splendour of the king
Praise is rising
God is working his purpose out
God is love

Welcome and preparing for our flight, prayers, activities, church news, the story of Zack (Luke 19)

The seriously suprising story (watch on youtube)

Aeroplane prayers, safety instructions and memory verse

Hymn Come ye thankful people come
Hymn We plough the fields
Song Put your hands up in the sky
Song We’re gonna jump up and down (Be happy)

Hymn Jesus is Lord

Opening sentences, Opening prayers, Bible story (based on Luke 10:25-37) and discussion, Sermon (part 1), Church news

Bible reading (Colossians 3:12-17), Sermon (part 2), Prayer and Lord’s Prayer and The Grace

Hymns and choruses from Singing The Faith, you can listen to them on YouTube by clicking on the link.

The Splendour of the King
When I needed a neighbour
The Servant King
Come thou fount of every blessing
I need Thee every hour

Today we enjoyed Café Church in the Jubilee Hall, starting with a lovely breakfast and then moving on to look at the theme of Growing Spiritual Fruit together in a very relaxed and conversational way.

(There is no recording of this service)

Our prayers, sermon and the Grace,

Hymns from Mission Praise, you can listen to them on YouTube by clicking on the link.

Who would true valour see
Do not be afraid for I have redeemed you.

Travel with us at a pace that you’re ready for – This hymn written by Janet is not on YouTube
What a friend we have in Jesus
All my hope on God is founded

Remembering Isaac, Bible reading, Notices, sharing good news, my story

Sermon, church membership and communion

908 O Lord hear our prayer
556 Peace to you
541 One shall tell another
728 We have a gospel to proclaim.

119 El Shaddai
407 Hear the call of the Kingdom

Song 560 – Praise my Soul the King of Heaven
Song 50 – Be still for the presence of the Lord
Song 411 – Let there be love shared among us
Song 251 – How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Song 449 – Love Divine
Song 857 – I the Lord of sea and sky (Here I am Lord)

Call to worship, prayers of thanksgiving, church news, prayers through the day, My Story I, Bible reading,prayers for our world, My Story II.

Hymns from Mission Praise, you can listen to them on YouTube by clicking on the link.
MP 167 Give me oil in my lamp
MP 288 I need thee every hour
MP 624 Take my life and let it be
MP 746  What a friend we have in Jesus
MP 572 Rejoice, rejoice Christ is in you.

MP 563 Praise to the Holiest in the Height
StF 611 Brother sister let me serve you.
MP 162 The Servant King

MP 564 Praise to the Lord
MP 151 For I’m building a people of power
MP 640 The Church’s one Foundation
MP 1126 When I survey the wondrous cross
MP 990 I will offer up my life
MP 1000 King of Kings, Majesty