Thank you for joining us, these services are recorded on Sunday morning at the Congregational Church, if you are in Market Harborough, Leicestershire at 10.30am, you are very welcome to join us.
We hope to continue sharing the recordings online either on Sunday or occasionally on Monday.

We are grateful to the many people who are leading our worship each week now that Rev Stephen Haward has retired. If you would like to know more about any of the services please email us.

All of the hymns can be found on youtube.

Service from January – July 2024 are here
Previous services are available here

Our prayers, sermon and the Grace,

Hymns from Mission Praise, you can listen to them on YouTube by clicking on the link.

Who would true valour see
Do not be afraid for I have redeemed you.

Travel with us at a pace that you’re ready for – This hymn written by Janet is not on YouTube
What a friend we have in Jesus
All my hope on God is founded

Remembering Isaac, Bible reading, Notices, sharing good news, my story

Sermon, church membership and communion

908 O Lord hear our prayer
556 Peace to you
541 One shall tell another
728 We have a gospel to proclaim.

119 El Shaddai
407 Hear the call of the Kingdom

Song 560 – Praise my Soul the King of Heaven
Song 50 – Be still for the presence of the Lord
Song 411 – Let there be love shared among us
Song 251 – How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Song 449 – Love Divine
Song 857 – I the Lord of sea and sky (Here I am Lord)

Call to worship, prayers of thanksgiving, church news, prayers through the day, My Story I, Bible reading,prayers for our world, My Story II.

Hymns from Mission Praise, you can listen to them on YouTube by clicking on the link.
MP 167 Give me oil in my lamp
MP 288 I need thee every hour
MP 624 Take my life and let it be
MP 746  What a friend we have in Jesus
MP 572 Rejoice, rejoice Christ is in you.

MP 563 Praise to the Holiest in the Height
StF 611 Brother sister let me serve you.
MP 162 The Servant King

MP 564 Praise to the Lord
MP 151 For I’m building a people of power
MP 640 The Church’s one Foundation
MP 1126 When I survey the wondrous cross
MP 990 I will offer up my life
MP 1000 King of Kings, Majesty