Easter 2023

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Easter weekend, particularly to Stephen and Jane for leading and hosting us. Palm Sunday 10.30am morning worship.Maundy Thursday 7.00pm outdoor communion. Good Friday 10.00am Service of reflection Easter Sunday 9.30am Breakfast, 10.30 morning worship


There is a very informal meeting at Enigma Cafe Bar on Coventry Road on the second Friday of each month, usually coffee and tea cakes all round. It is good to meet and catch up with news of friends, health updates and funny things which have happened. But we also cover serious topics sometimes and

Prayers for Ukraine and Russia

We first published this prayer in February 2022, sadly its words are still relevant. Eternal God, We hold before youthe peoples of Ukraine and of Russia. We pray for those who are in despair todaybecause they see their homeland invadedand those they love in danger.Bind up their hearts, O God,and give them strength to care