Visit from our Romanian Partner Church

Szia! In the middle of April, our church hosted members and the pastor of the Târgu Mureş Citadel Church, Vártemplom Marosvásárhely. It was wonderful to learn about each other’s culture again and be reminded that we are part of God’s global Christian church. Our guests visited the toddlers’ group at Market Harborough Congregational Church where


Psalm 23 at Easter

The Lord is my Shepherd Jesus:   I am the good shepherd, I know my sheep and my sheep know me, and I lay down my life for the sheep. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still waters.  He restores my soul Peter     Jesus, never will you wash my

March 2024 photos

Mums on the Steps, cards, peppermint creams, flowers and rabbits holding chocolate.Stories and hand massage plus lovely cakes. Gift bags for Mums to take home.Thanks to everyone who helped or came along, you are all superstars. World Day of Prayer Service, in St Dionysius Church, the words prepared by the women of Palestine. Mothering Sunday

Events through to Easter 2024

We have been putting our programme together through to Easter and these are the one off events, which we hope will be welcoming. Sunday11th February 10:30am Family Service including Junior Church Sunday morning worship Friday 23rd February to 22nd March12:30-1.00pm Lent Service Lent lunch-time Service prepared and led by members of the different churches, 12:30

Toddlers’ Club is 33!

There were 26 families at our Toddlers’ Club birthday party, we have been running for 33 years and it was great to have Jemma with us, who was a bump at our first meeting. We have a very traditional party, with pass the parcels, musical statues, birthday cakes (individual ones so that the spit stays

Toddlers in Bloom

We were delighted to welcome Christine and Clare from Market Harborough in Bloom to Toddlers’ Club on Friday morning.They helped the children to make Bug Hotels using recycled cans, and they were a great success. Market Harborough in Bloom have been invited to take part in Britain in Bloom this year after being judged the