Site icon Market Harborough Congregational Church

Toddlers’ Club Birthday

In January we celebrate the anniversary of Toddlers’ Club starting in 1991, this is before a lot of the current parents were born!

We played pass the parcel, we had parachute games, everyone had their own birthday cake and candle, we made birthday crowns and everyone had a party bag to take home.

We give thanks to God for all of the leaders over the last 34 years, and for all the families who have become a part of the group for a time.

To join the group you need to search for ‘MHCC toddlers online’ on Facebook and join the group, we have a limit of 25 families each week and run a standby list. The cost is £2 per family as we want to be inclusive and we meet from 9:45-11:15 on termtime Fridays.

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