We are delighted that Rev Ruairidh (Roo) MacRae has accepted the call to be the minister at Market Harborough Congregational Church. Roo has been the minister at Eyemouth United Congregational Church for over nine years and he is active within Congregational Federation Scotland. Roo, his husband James and their sons will be moving to Market Harborough in February, with the Induction Service on Saturday 22nd February and Roo will be leading worship the following day. As is our tradition, the members of the congregation have been involved in each step of the recruitment and at Church Meeting in October we recognised that God is calling Rev MacRae to work with us here in Market Harborough.
“We believe in a sovereign God who is our loving Father. He knows the end from the beginning and has promised he has a plan for each of us. We felt God asking us to explore the next chapter so pushed the door and it’s led us to this exciting point of preparing to join the Church family in MHCC. It’s very difficult to leave our Church family that we love in Eyemouth United Congregational Church and the local community that we serve. But we’re so looking forward to joining you. I’m humbled that the membership of MHCC have called me to be their new Minister and us as your new Manse family. I know I will be standing on the shoulder of giants who have served the Church since 1662. I join with the prayerful people of MHCC that the Holy Spirit has been revealing God’s will for us and that this is in God’s plan for us as a family, for MHCC family and for the community of MH. My prayer is that God will continue to equip me to serve him and you; that the people of God would be built up, that people would be brought to faith and that God would be glorified in everything. I’m very much looking forward to getting to know everyone in the congregation, serving the Lord together and working with the other Churches in the district to advance the Gospel of Jesus as you have been faithfully doing over many years.
As we all prepare for this new chapter, we would covet your prayers for us as a family and for Eyemouth United Congregational Church as they prepare for a time of vacancy, as we remember you. We enter the busy season of Advent and Christmas and pray that over a hopefully long ministry with you we would live in the light and love of Emmanuel – God with us – knowing and sharing a deeper sense of his presence as individuals and a community of faith, hope and love.”
With every blessing, Love Roo
Rev Stephen Haward, our previous minister retired in July 2023 and we give thanks to God for His guidance during the last seventeen months.
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