We meet to worship God, working together to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to serve our community

Market Harborough Congregational Church, High Street, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 7JD. Minister, Rev Roo MacRae phone 01858 440129. Contact the Church Secretary (see button below) Room Hire email lettingsmhcong@outlook.com or phone 07826295445

Who we are and what we believe

Who we are and what we believe

Our weekly services and our stories. / Contact us

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Our Church life

Our Church life

Events in this month
Our regular activities
Our links to our community and the world

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Our buildings

Our buildings

Hiring our buildings
Groups which meet here
How to find us

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Rev Ruairidh (Roo) MacRae

We are delighted that Rev Ruairidh (Roo) MacRae has accepted the call to be the minister at Market Harborough Congregational Church. Roo has been the minister at Eyemouth United Congregational Church for over nine years and he is active within Congregational Federation Scotland.Roo, his husband James and their sons will be moving to Market Harborough

We’re back on the Steps!

We will be on the Church Steps again for family crafts and stories and inside the church for coffee and cakes on Saturday 29th March from 10-11.30am. You are all welcome but particularly those who have realised that it is Mothering Sunday on 30th and you need to make something to give to Mum or

New Minister

We are delighted that Rev. Ruairidh MacRae (Roo) has now arrived in the town, he is settling in for a few days before taking up his new role on Monday 17th February. Roo’s induction is on Saturday 22nd February at 3pm, and we are looking forward to welcoming friends from across England and Scotland including

Christmas Events 2024

We hope that you will be able to join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, he is called Immanuel, which means God is with us, and that is something worth celebrating. Sunday 1st December10.30am Morning Worship for the first Sunday in Advent led by Jacquie.We will also receive the gifts for Angel Tree.

Baby Loss Awareness Week

It is Baby Loss Awareness Week from 9th-15th October and it has become our tradition to have a tree in church where you can add the names of children whose lives were too short. The church will be open from 9.45-11.30am on Friday morning. You are very welcome to go come into the church, to


We hope that you will be able to join us on Sunday 6th October for our Harvest Celebration, although we will be having some of the traditional hymns, things will be a little different this year with lots of opportunities for children and the young at heart to take part. If you are able to

Summer 2024

These are the addtional events over the summer months, our regular events can be found on our diary page 5th July Teddy Bears’ Picnic Todders’ Club end of year celebration in Welland Park 7th July Classic Cars Tea and coffee served on the Church Steps from 11.45 following morning service 14th July 10.30am Family Service

View of front of the church with tables and chairs

Classic Car Show 7th July 24

If you haven’t been to the Classic Cars in MH you have missed a treat, even for someone not interested in cars there is plenty of nostalgia, distressing to discover that cars you have owned count as classic! This year we will be serving coffee and cakes on the church steps again (last year it