What we believe
Congregational churches are part of the mainstream of Protestant Christian church life in the United Kingdom. So we do not have a special set of beliefs of our own, we are ‘just’ Christians. In common with other Free Churches we take our lead from the Bible and base our membership on a simple profession of faith that proclaims Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
Some features of our way of being church are that:
• we aim to worship in ways that are straightforward, personal and sincere;
• we aim to honour God’s calling and gifting equally in women and men and children;
• we aim to bring both heart and mind to our worship, so value preaching that is both thoughtful and challenging;
• we aim to be open to God’s leading and so able to change what we are doing in obedience to ‘the mind of Christ’;
• we aim to live as we believe, putting into practice the call of Jesus to show God’s love in daily life;
• we are called ‘Congregational’ because we aim to involve all members of the local fellowship in our decisions rather than placing authority anywhere else.
What are our services like?
We usually follow a familiar Free Church pattern of hymns, prayers, Bible readings and a talk or sermon. We enjoy both traditional and contemporary hymns and songs.
We love to welcome children on Sunday mornings and we include their needs in the way we worship as well as providing a separate programme for them in Junior Church for part of the morning on the second Sunday of the month.
Communion is held once a month and sometimes we have festival or additional services to catch the moment of a special day or season in the church year.
We have a beautiful worship area with a fine organ and pews, but we do not always stay in them!
Morning worship is every week at 10.30am
What else do we do?
The Church is very active and delivers some important service programmes, such as a Toddlers’ Group and First Wednesday
Members are also active in supporting joint Christian endeavours in Harborough and beyond. We have an ongoing commitment to social justice and care for the planet.
We seek to be an inclusive fellowship placing the love of God in Jesus Christ at the centre of all we are and do. We encourage one another to grow in faith and also show our care for one another through regular home groups and pastoral visiting.
Having said all that we are not (and do not pretend to be) perfect. However, we can promise to try and make you welcome if you care to come along.
To find out more about Jesus and his love for you have a look at Christianity.org.uk
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